

class yum.plugins.DeprecatedInt

Bases: int

A simple int subclass that is used to check when a deprecated constant is used.


class yum.plugins.PluginYumExit(value='', translation_domain='')

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Exception that can be raised by plugins to signal that yum should stop.


class yum.plugins.YumPlugins(base, searchpath, optparser=None, types=None, pluginconfpath=None, disabled=None, enabled=None)

Manager class for Yum plugins.

run(slotname, **kwargs)

Run all plugin functions for the given slot.

  • slotname – a string representing the name of the slot to run the plugins for
  • kwargs – keyword arguments that will be simply passed on to the plugins
setCmdLine(opts, commands)

Set the parsed command line options so that plugins can access them.

  • opts – a dictionary containing the values of the command line options
  • commands – a list of command line arguments passed to yum


class yum.plugins.DummyYumPlugins

This class provides basic emulation of the YumPlugins class. It exists so that calls to plugins.run() don’t fail if plugins aren’t in use.

run(*args, **kwargs)

Do nothing. All arguments are unused.

setCmdLine(*args, **kwargs)

Do nothing. All arguments are unused.


class yum.plugins.PluginConduit(parent, base, conf)

A conduit class to transfer information between yum and the plugin.

confBool(section, opt, default=None)

Read a boolean value from the plugin’s own configuration file

  • section – configuration file section to read
  • opt – option name to read
  • default – value to read if the option is missing

boolean option value read, or default if the option was missing or could not be parsed

confFloat(section, opt, default=None)

Read a float value from the plugin’s own configuration file.

  • section – configuration file section to read
  • opt – option name to read
  • default – value to read if the option is missing

float option value read, or default if the option was missing or could not be parsed

confInt(section, opt, default=None)

Read an integer value from the plugin’s own configuration file.

  • section – configuration file section to read
  • opt – option name to read
  • default – value to read if the option is missing

the integer option value read, or default if the option was missing or could not be parsed

confString(section, opt, default=None)

Read a string value from the plugin’s own configuration file.

  • section – configuration file section to read
  • opt – option name to read
  • default – value to read if the option is missing

string option value read, or default if option was missing

error(level, msg)

Send an error message to the logger.

  • level – the level of the message to send
  • msg – the message to send

Return the optparse.OptionParser instance for this execution of Yum. In the “config” and “init” slots a plugin may add extra options to this instance to extend the command line options that Yum exposes. In all other slots a plugin may only read the OptionParser instance. Any modification of the instance at this point will have no effect. See the PreRepoSetupPluginConduit.getCmdLine() method for details on how to retrieve the parsed values of command line options.

Returns:the global optparse.OptionParser instance used by Yum. May be None if an OptionParser isn’t in use

Return a string representing the current version of yum.

info(level, msg)

Send an info message to the logger.

  • level – the level of the message to send
  • msg – the message to send

Return a yes or no response, either from assumeyes already being set, or from prompting the user.

Parameters:msg – the message to prompt the user with
Returns:1 if the response is yes, and 0 if the response is no

Register the name of a package to use.

Parameters:name – the name of the package to register


class yum.plugins.ConfigPluginConduit(parent, base, conf)

Bases: yum.plugins.PluginConduit

A conduit for use in the config slot.


Register a new command.

Parameters:command – the command to register
Raises :yum.Errors.ConfigError if the registration of commands is not supported
registerOpt(name, valuetype, where, default)

Deprecated. Register a yum configuration file option.

  • name – name of the new option
  • valuetype – option type (PLUG_OPT_BOOL, PLUG_OPT_STRING, etc.)
  • where – where the option should be available in the config file (PLUG_OPT_WHERE_MAIN, PLUG_OPT_WHERE_REPO, etc)
  • default – default value for the option if it is not set by the user


class yum.plugins.PostConfigPluginConduit(parent, base, conf)

Bases: yum.plugins.ConfigPluginConduit

Conduit for use in the postconfig slot.


Return a dictionary containing the values of the configuration options.

Returns:a dictionary containing the values of the configuration options


class yum.plugins.InitPluginConduit(parent, base, conf)

Bases: yum.plugins.PluginConduit

Conduit for use in the init slot.


Return a dictionary containing the values of the configuration options.

Returns:a dictionary containing the values of the configuration options

Return Yum’s container object for all configured repositories.

Returns:Yum’s yum.repos.RepoStorage instance


class yum.plugins.ArgsPluginConduit(parent, base, conf, args)

Bases: yum.plugins.InitPluginConduit

Conduit for dealing with command line arguments.


Return a list of the command line arguments passed to yum.

Returns:a list of the command line arguments passed to yum


class yum.plugins.PreRepoSetupPluginConduit(parent, base, conf)

Bases: yum.plugins.InitPluginConduit

Conduit for use in the prererosetup slot.


Return parsed command line options.

Returns:(options, commands) as returned by OptionParser.parse_args()

Return a representation of the local RPM database. This allows querying of installed packages.

Returns:a yum.rpmUtils.RpmDBHolder instance


class yum.plugins.PostRepoSetupPluginConduit(parent, base, conf)

Bases: yum.plugins.PreRepoSetupPluginConduit

Conduit for use in the postreposetup slot.


Return group information.

Returns:yum.comps.Comps instance


class yum.plugins.DownloadPluginConduit(parent, base, conf, pkglist, errors=None)

Bases: yum.plugins.PostRepoSetupPluginConduit

Conduit for use in the download slots.


Return a list of package objects representing packages to be downloaded.

Returns:a list of package object representing packages to be downloaded

Return a dictionary of download errors.

Returns:a dictionary of download errors. This dictionary is indexed by package object. Each element is a list of strings describing the error


class yum.plugins.MainPluginConduit(parent, base, conf)

Bases: yum.plugins.PostRepoSetupPluginConduit

Main conduit class for plugins. Many other conduit classes will inherit from this class.


Delete the given package from the package sack.

Parameters:po – the package object to delete

Retrieve a package object from the packages loaded by Yum using nevra information.

Parameters:nevra – a tuple holding (name, epoch, version, release, arch) for a package
Returns:a yum.packages.PackageObject instance (or subclass)

Return a list of packages.

Parameters:repo – the repo to return a packages from
Returns:a list of package objects

Return transaction set.

Returns:the transaction set


class yum.plugins.DepsolvePluginConduit(parent, base, conf, rescode=None, restring=[])

Bases: yum.plugins.MainPluginConduit

Conduit for use in solving dependencies.


class yum.plugins.CompareProvidersPluginConduit(parent, base, conf, providers_dict={}, reqpo=None)

Bases: yum.plugins.MainPluginConduit

Conduit to compare different providers of packages.


class yum.plugins.HistoryPluginConduit(parent, base, conf, rescode=None, restring=[])

Bases: yum.plugins.MainPluginConduit

Conduit to access information about the yum history.


class yum.plugins.VerifyPluginConduit(parent, base, conf, verify_package)

Bases: yum.plugins.MainPluginConduit

Conduit to verify packages.


Parse a string representing an api version.

Parameters:apiver – a string representing an api version
Returns:a tuple containing the major and minor version numbers
yum.plugins.apiverok(a, b)

Return true if API version “a” supports API version “b”

  • a – a string representing an api version
  • b – a string representing an api version

whether version a supports version b