Howto use git with yum

This page contains common git usage commands for working on the git repository.

Checkout yum-utils repository

This will checkout the yum utils repository

git clone ssh://
cd yum-utils

Daily usage

Get updates from remote repository

git pull

If you have made unpublished changes to your local branch since last git pull then use these commands instead to avoid Merge messages in the log

git fetch
git rebase origin

Commit changed files (locally)

git commit -a


git commit -a -m "Commit message"

Push changes to remote repository

git push

Add new file

git add file

Work with branches

Show local branches

git branch

Show remote branches

git branch -r

Create a local branch tracking remote branch

Create a local yum-utils-1_0_X branch tracking the remote origin/yum-utils-1_0_X branch and switch to the yum-utils-1_0_X

git checkout --track -b yum-utils-1_0_X origin/yum-utils-1_0_X

Switch to another local branch

Switch to the yum-utils-1_0_X branch

git checkout yum-utils-1_0_X

When you have changed to a local branch there is tracking a remote branch all the daily usage commands will work on that branch.

Switch back to master branch

git checkout master

Create a local branch & switch to the branch

 git checkout -b branchname

Change to local branch

 git checkout branchname

Push local branch up to public repository

 git push origin branchname

Yes, this is backward as hell.

Created a patch with changes from a local branch to master

git checkout mylocalbranch
git diff -p master -- . > my-patch.txt

Apply a patch to current local branch

git apply my-patch.txt

Set a tag for a release

git tag -a tagname
git push --tags